- Like most wholesalers you are concerned about meeting HACCP requirements and the possibility of recalls. Your big customers and your insurance providers probably require or will soon require that you pass independent third-party audit requirements for mock recalls. New FSIS regulations may make these requirements mandatory.
- Here is an example. A grinder prepares ground beef using several sources. He may also get the trim from another location. After selling the ground beef to a number of other wholesalers, he is told there is a problem with one of the products he has sold. Now he wants to isolate the tainted batch from all the others that are mixed in. He needs to find which part of that ground beef batch he made is the source of the problem and find out who the supplier was.
- With our system there is no need to scramble and hunt through stacks of paperwork to track things down. There is no risk of manual error or missing paperwork. With just a few button clicks you can produce a complete list of all customers and invoice items for lots sold or received. This can help with your insurance, and in the event of a recall, with your bottom line.
- We can keep track of resold, butchered and manufactured products.
Our MeatBIZ system handles all types of ingredients and manufacturing processes, in particular ground beef, sausage and cooked meat products. We can track casings, spices, trim and any other component used in your manufacturing process. We can even handle manufactured items that are used as components in other manufactured products.
- We can handle both sides of a recall problem. If your supplier reports a problem, we can list all invoice items sold to your customers that used the supplier's problem item. If your customer reports a problem, we can list all other customer invoice items that use the same item in question.
- We can even handle different types of lot identifiers used for different customers, for example, production date, use-by date, Julian date or other identifiers used for the same product. (See Screen #3)
- Look at the order invoice on the previous web page. You will see that the lot ID appears after every item on the invoice. You can choose to have them appear or not. Also notice that you can create your lot ID as a date or as a year-to-date code. It is totally up to you.
- To see these example screens more clearly, press the "Enlarge" button next to each of the screens on the right.
- Look at screen #1 at the top of this web page. Here is where you enter the items that you receive from your supplier.
- Screen #2 is where you enter your manufactured products. The top part of the screen shows the overall information for a single manufactured product which can contain one or more ingredients: ground beef and trim or sausage, casings, and spices. The details for each component of your product appears on the grid below.
- You enter the lot ID that appears on the invoice in screen #3. This data entry screen can be customized to your specifications. Some customers want to see the calendar date that the lot was produced. Others may want a Julian date or a "use-by" date or some other format.
- By entering the information described, you can product a Tracking Report for any lot #. Enlarge the sample Tracking Report (#4). In this example, you have chosen to track all items sold from Ground Beef production lot 09-238-C.
- The Report shows all items from invoices that referred back to this lot. Note that there are three types of references: Invoice items that came directly from lot 09-238-C; Invoice items from other lots that included lot 09-238-C as a component; and invoice items from lots that were used as components of lot 09-238-C.
- This report displays the main pieces of information that independent third party auditors look for. We don't think you will find a comparable recall tracking capability in any other fresh food software on the market
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